Monthly Archives: February 2015

Skynet is online.. Skynet has poked you..

Computers are essential in almost every facet of our daily lives. Almost every American has at least two or more computers within reach at all times. Think about it. When was the last time you were more than 20 feet away from your desktop, laptop, tablet, gaming system, smart tv, or cell phone? The list goes on and on. Has this sort of symbiotic relationship with technology allowed sort of a multiplication or reproduction of an advanced organism? (As it was stated in Terminator. Skynet is online!) Is Skynet breeding its simple single celled structure and collecting information about its host in some sort of hive mind?) Or is it just an over abundance of tools used by humanity in order to better the lives of others. I know from my own personal experience that I seldom use my space aged technology for anything less than solving the worlds problems. You would be hard pressed to find me sitting on my ass ignoring friends and loved ones crushing candy, or narcisstically trolling a Facebook post. (Enter Sarcasm)

Seemingly there is little difference to be made between the proliferation of technology and a deadly cancer. I would not deny for a moment the impact that technology has had in my life or the lives of countless others in infinitely beneficial ways, however what are we allowing technology to turn into? An organism with its own ways and means to systematically categorize our every message, search, movement, emotion and thought? Or just a tool ever expanding to the needs and wants of a population completely in control, and awake in the drivers seat of human society?

With the ever evolving net closing in on every single one of us with the N.S.A. spy grids collecting every single web search, Email, and text message. It would seem that we are uploading every aspect of our own conciseness into the collective hive mind, to be picked through and analyzed. Not only is our personal correspondence up for grabs but now just about every technological being that we own and use has evolved to have eyes and ears. Front facing and rear facing cameras, microphones, gps, etc… Starting to see a trend? ( ), ( ),

The all seeing and all knowing evil eye that stares at us blindly from every angle of web-cam, cellphone, or tablet can also sync up with security cameras at grocery stores, and stop lights. Technology has existed publicly for the last 10 years that would allow someone with the right software to track your movements throughout a store and collect your movement biorhythm, and face scan and then match it up with your purchases made when you check out. Businesses have been looking into customer reward programs that will target you as you walk into a store or a restaurant and can send you special offers to your Facebook page, or cell phone. ( ) ( ) ( ) When was the last time you had to tag a photo of yourself and Facebook had alread done it for you? ( )

Another possibly negative aspect for us to consider of always being under the ever watchful eyes, ears and mind of Sauron comes from a criminal aspect. What if you had a warrant out for your arrest and you called to order a pizza, and instead of a zit faced 18 year old with a delicious made to order pie showing up at your door it was a badge and a gun? ( ) Maybe you have a warrant and you decided to go shopping, or stopped at a gas station to get gas? Any where and every where with a camera that is hooked up to the internet can be used to search your facial recogtition against a criminal database. ( )

Lets not forget about creepers ( )

It can be said that “If you haven’t done anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.” Well what if the government decides one day that you are no longer fit to exercise your second amendment and you don’t feel the need to comply. ( )  What if they were to decide that you have stored too much food in your house, and you don’t want to give it to them? ( ) The law can be changed at a moments notice to make common law practices and any part of everyday life illegal. Would it not be safer to side with caution, and not allow the government, or Skynet to install an all seeing and all knowing infrastructure?

In closing I would like to say that I am very uncomfortable living in a society that through laziness, willful ignorance, and a general sense of SHHHH THE GAME IS ON, we have allowed either an already artificially intelligent organism or a rogue out of control government to set up a prison around our bodies and minds. And since someone always seems to say it better than anyone alive today. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Stay awake.